The Montfort Foundation celebrated the achievement of the $12 million fundraising objective for the Orléans Health Hub. This is a record amount in Montfort’s history. This campaign was completed in the midst of a pandemic thanks to the dedication of the campaign cabinet as well as the Foundation and the Hospital’s board of directors. In order to mobilize the region’s major philanthropists, a donation of $1.5 million from Yves Tremblay, president of the campaign cabinet, and his wife Sylvie Villeneuve, set the tone for the campaign in October 2020.
It is also thanks to the Montfort Foundation that together they were able to coordinate all the efforts put forth by the different committees, whose sole purpose was to gather the business and influential people of our community, to invest their time, talent and treasure in improving healthcare services in Ottawa.
The Montfort Foundation offers major donors a signature that meets their level of giving. Thus, following an exceptional pledge, in consultation with the Hôpital Montfort’s administration, the Hub will henceforth bear the name “Aline-Chrétien Health Hub”.
During this evening of celebration of the campaign’s results, donors were invited to the Aline-Chrétien Health Hub to admire the recognition elements that now embellish the environment and celebrate this great success for the health of our community.
Enjoy the highlights of the evening
Directed by: Glenn Torresan, videographer